End the Cruelty of the Fur Industry
Support State bills S.623/H.965:
An Act Prohibiting the Sale of Fur Products
As a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, Fur-Free MA is empowered to focus on lobbying and political advocacy, which is why contributions to us are not tax deductible.
Each year, more than 100,000,000 animals are trapped or raised and killed for their fur. This number does not include rabbits, who are also killed for fur in numbers estimated in the hundreds of millions annually. These animals are kept in cramped cages for the duration of their lives, resulting in severe psychological and physical distress, cannibalism, and self-mutilation. They are killed through electrocution, gassing, clubbing, and neck-breaking, sometimes still being conscious while skinned alive. Fortunately many countries, states, and cities are waking up to the cruelties of the fur industry by legislating bans on the production and sale of fur. In 2020, Wellesley became the first municipality outside the state of California to ban the sale of fur, followed by Weston and Brookline in 2021, Plymouth and Cambridge in 2022, Lexington in 2023, and Attleboro and Arlington in 2024.
Join us in advocating a Fur-Free Massachusetts through education, lobbying, and legislation.
Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur / WeAnimals
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? Learn about the different ways you can help in the fight to stop cruelty to fur animals.
Photo: Oikeutta eläimille